As far as skating goes, this place is fun. Yes its old but who cares? Your just skating. My complaints are you are always WAITING!! I have been there for a party and for Teen Age Mutant Ninja night. Parties: CROWDED! and I waited in line for over 30 minutes to get a drink. It took them forever to get the pizza to the party itself and by the time it was there you could forget opening presents before everyone left. TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TurtleS night- oh my...lets see...waited in line for 1 hour and 5 minutes because they had 2 cashiers. 2! They could have set up another table for cash paying only. Finally get in and get my youngest settled...ran around the rink with him for about 20 minutes to get him used to skating again, then figured I would get in line for the pizza that was included with the ticket. Waited in line for 50 MINUTES! Then sat on the ground to eat. Also, they said in the email that it was skating with the TURTLES not skating with a TURTLE. Very misleading because it was the same guy who just came out in a slightly different costume . I had a very sad young lady who dressed up a April would never got to meet a turtle because the line was so long because only one turtle came out at a time. She almost made it once, but I couldn't be there to take a picture because I was in LINE for pizza. Oh well, she never made it to see him anyway. Great Skate has NO problem with you waiting. If you are going, do not give them your extra money. Eat before you leave the house! Great Skate...please treat your customers better by speeding up the wait time. I had better things to do then wait in line for 2 hours during your 2.5 hour event. I gave you my hard earned money and tiredly spent my Tuesday night with you and hoping my kids would have an awesome event. Oh and invest in security for these large events. I did not see any there and there was too many people there to not have any.