Something's up with Laila.
Girl... what's wrong?
I mean, she's still great and all, but to a much lesser extent than she once was. There's a certain warm element of passion for what they do, that hasn't necessarily disappeared, but has definitely been dumbed down. My friends and I used to passionately refer to Laila as our "Homegirl on the South Side"... but as of late, she's just Laila.
Anyway, if you never knew her before, she's still pretty dope. A large plate of food for under ten bucks. My favourite part about Laila is that the chicken feels like it's actually (almost) chicken - this is a big issue I have with most of the other Lebanese spots in the area. Another star for carrying JUMEX in the fridge!!!.. mmm... Guanabana!
If you're a lover of Lebanese and you've got an appetite, stop over for a meal at Laila. Hopefully your visit is on a "South Side" kinda day.