| - When I first moved here, I ended up with Dr.Gan Lim. In retrospect, I cannot believe my stupidity
for keeping him as my Dr. He is a transplant from the Philippines and English is not his first language.
This guy is a total JOKE! He refers you to his "friends" almost constantly. He has called me personally three times at 10:00 at night when he
was upset about something I did, I have had to say"Who is this?" He draws a little nutritional plate
every time you go there. Have waited for days to see specialists only to find out I was on a wild goose chase. This guy is a true piece of work.
He will be looking at his computer and ask you
questions with his back turned to you. I have gone on at least five "wild goose chases' ,waiting a month to see a specialist only to be told this was a totally erroneous diagnosis from him. The office staff, with the exception of Lisa, are really just downright rude.
He is never aware of what medicines cost when he prescribed them. I consider myself a well educated person and totally regret my decision. This is the kind of guy that just does not care. He really acts like an adult child in a discussion. I would not be surprised if a malpractice lawsuit against him were made
I have not even told you the worst part. I was hurting and went to the hospital on his recommendation., should have at least had a blood test first. Took me four hours to be admitted. This was on a Friday. By Monday, I was feeling fine. I had two IV bags of saline solution. Zero antibiotics. I wanted to leave, that day, as all I was doing was watching TV with a wonderful nurse, Mel. I asked him, to release me, he said no. On Tuesday morning I felt an eye infection coming on so I said "I'm leaving" . When he heard the news he came to the hospital and just lost it. Threw a spectacle, and kept asking me over and over
"What else" , as to why I wanted to leave. He had
a childlike temper tantrum in front of four nurses in my room. Kept yelling and yelling "Get the list, get the list, she doesn't think I'm a good doctor !"
Needless to say, they were all totally bewildered and kept telling him there was no list for me pick from! I suspected an eye infection, told him about the eye and that he was not a specialist! He said he had taken one eye class in his training to become a doctor. He prescribed an ointment. I told him like it or not, I was leaving whether he liked it or not, I was not going to compromise my eye
He shows up and says he will release me,if I promised
to make an appointment to see him. This was at 10:00 pm.
I left and went immediately to an Eye Specialist the next day. Turned out, yes ,
an infection was starting up an prescribed an antibiotic.Well, he had prescribed a $200 ointment for allergies! I cringe ever time I think about that I could have gone blind
He did this I believe to "Save Face", what an incredibly self-absorbed person! Sure, he is nice to your face, but nevertheless a conceited and extremely egotistic. I could have
lost one eye due to his ego and my even questioning his competence. Hope I can save someone else from having to deal with his erratic behavior.Although I think of myself as well educated with one BA, one BS and 1 MS however,I say this the bottom line is that Gan-Lim is way past your average basic asshole. Truly unbelievable.