| - I signed up for Terminix service very shortly after moving into my house 7 years ago. I signed a contract for quarterly service and never looked back. I had a wonderful technician who would call me up on the phone and ask when was the best time for his visit. He'd let me know if he was going to be in the neighborhood and see if it was convenient to stop by. If not, we'd schedule another time when it was more convenient for me. He was always extremely accomodating. He would spray inside and out and I rarely had any issues in between visits.
Then he stopped being my technician rather abruptly and with no explanation or conversation, I suddenly started receiving postcards in the mail with my specific appointment time. I didn't have the most flexible of work schedules, so often this meant that I would either have to a. let them just come and spray outside or b. call them up to reschedule. This might not sound like a big deal, but I'm not a very good phone person. Also, it was such a marked difference from what I was used to and I felt like the level of customer service had just dissipated over night. I appreciated that they'd call me to ask when I was available, instead of telling me when they'd be there and making me fit it in.
Since then, I've frequently had bug issues between visits. Most recently, I have ants in my kitchen. Part of the contract was that they come quarterly, but visit for free in between if there are bug issues that crop up. I have ants in my kitchen, so my husband called to have them come fix it. He was told it would be a week before they could come out.
A week is a long time when I've paid them money NOT to have ants in my house, and it's a long time to have ants roaming my kitchen.
Maybe the problem is that I received such great, friendly, accommodating service in the past and this just isn't cutting it. I'm planning to start researching a change to a different company.