We have been attending C.C.V. for the past 11 years. When we started it seemed like we always felt like Pastor Don was speaking to us directly We loved it then. Even though it was a large church, it still fit our needs. But over 11 years, it seems as though it's all about the show and the light show and the props on stage. We feel very disappointed, it seems like Pastor Don is always on a cruise or another vacation to Rome or some other fancy place. I don't know where the funds come from for him to go on all these trips, but I hope it is not from the congregation's tithes. The church seems to cater to wealthy people which we are not. The messages are watered down, and they are always encouraging us to bring people to church. Even the neighborhood groups the videos they make us watch just seem pointless. We want to dig into the bible and learn but it doesn't seem to be of importance to the church. It seems like all that matters is to bring more and more new people to church. But what about the people that have been there for a long time? What about taking care of their spiritual needs? I know it is hard to really get in depth into the bible in a 30 minute time span but I don't feel like I am learning there anymore. When they put people on the big screen about all the wonderful things they are doing for God, it never seems to be a just a regular middle class family but is always someone sitting in their mansion house with their fancy furniture.