We feel very welcomed here. Our dogs are spoiled rotten with belly rubs and kisses by all the vets and vet assistants!
We purchased the "puppy packages" for both of our dogs which includes all there needed puppy vaccinations, nail clipping, and poop check for $100.
You can request a particular vet at each visit or get one a random. They are all so friendly it will be hard to choose!
Dr. Sherl has been our pick so far. One of our dogs had to be sterilized fairly young due to a possible cancerous testicle. Our pup came out of the vet office in top-top shape.
It is quite a drive for us, about 30 to 40 mins but worth the trip for us given the excellent care our dogs receive.
Another plus is the amount of options given to you as far as how much a procedure can costs and the integrity of stating what kind of care plan is recommended for your dog breed.
I am very happy with the care and cleanliness of the office and will continue to make that drive for our pets!