A few weeks after I became a homeowner, a friend of mine asked my how many Home Depot runs have I made. What a great question. The answer: Way too many. Since I purchased my house, I have had countless projects and little tasks I've needed to take care of. This store gets most of my business since it's the closest hardware store to desert ridge. And I'm glad it is. It's a great place to shop.
There's always a free employee wondering around that will drop whatever he or she is doing to help me out. They always tell me that the more expensive item is better, but show me the cheaper items that meet my needs (and that's the one I almost always walk away with). They also know how to translate my 'I don't really know the proper way to tell you what I need, because I'm a novice at all this stuff' speak, and make sure that I leave with the right materials that I need to get my job done.