Please read the Yelp reviews! It would have helped me to make a better decision. I too, purchased a Groupon and over paid. I did love the massage but was FORCED to say it was Good on the tip paper because they passively aggressively made you rate the massage by tip amount.
I've gone to many massage places and I always make sure I tip, however they typically suggest $10 and let you rate the massage separate. I felt so embarrassed. I wanted Joe to feel like he did an amazing job but I was blindsided by the over passive aggressive tipping suggestions and how the employees stood over you while you made your decision. The tip suggestion started at $15 for just Good. I wanted to treat my boyfriend and I to a massage to A. Celebrate us officially moving to Vegas and B. For all his hard work.
I felt the massage was counter productive after that. Back home in Los Angeles, one of the most expensive cities, I would get more bang for my buck. My old spot would give me tea and water at the end of my massage not push me to the front door with their hand out.
I don't mind tipping more but don't tell me how "I" feel based on what I tip. I just moved and we are on a budget. I paid for the actual service, so don't suggest a higher tip. I rather they hike the price but that's their game I guess. Get you in the door and then after, surprise!!!!
If anyone knows of a better place I could become a regular at, because I lovvvvve massages. Please let me know!
Sorry, I wanted to write something amazing about you guys. I was excited but I ended up feeling insulted. :(