| - I am willing to bet that at least have of these reviews are fake and from the owners themselves. This place is trash and struggles to find itself. International Bistro...that doesn't sound appealing to the average consumer. The menu had over 200 items! That ridiculous! They clearly don't know what they're doing! They're overthinking themselves which is costing them big time! Menu's for small business's should be small to keep up the quality and consistency. When me and my friend walked in for the first time, no one greeted us, I GREETED THE WAITRESS for fucc's sake. Then she had a slight attitude as well when I told her to give me a minute when I was looking at the menu. Like holy crap, didn't know I had to read the Bible in 5 minutes and know what I immediately wanted to order. The decor is nice but it's so extremely out of place with the style of food (which is almost everything) and the music. It was a playlist consisting of pop and rancherias and latin pop. So bland. Me and my friend got a surf n turf roll and it was actually quite nice, I'll give them that. Didn't like how the carrots were prepared though, they are trying to hard to be fancy and premium. They don't know the demographic, it's a plaza where families come to have a good time at the movies and get some brunch while they're at it, not where Tim Cook comes to eat dinner. This place is just sad and recently the plaza shut them down, I wonder why? OH YEAH. THEY CLOSED NEARLY EVERYDAY BECAUSE THEY WERE LOSING MONEY. They were to oblivious to see that, they themselves, were running themselves into the ground. They even spent money to advertise on Yelp. My uncles restraint spends $300 to do that on this app, it's getting these International Bumbs nothing. Sad to see this happen to a new business but cmon, it doesn't take rocket science to know who to run a successful small business. Pathetic.