I have 5 lines and have been a loyal Verizon customer for 20 years. I always refer my friends to this store because they are knowledgeable and very helpful. The customer service representatives are excellent. But when my daughter was sold an upgrade at a "great deal" which turned out to be an installment plan with accessories she didn't need, I went in to meet with the manager to return the phone. The manager, Bryce Gaulin, was smug and condescending. After 30 minutes of him trying to sell me on the deal, he said "I'm doing you a favor" to take this back after the 14 day window. Never once did he say we appreciate your business and let's try to work this out so you are happy. And Verizon makes it impossible to lodge a formal complaint with management. After my experience, I am going to let all 5 lines expire and evaluate my options. Demonstrates how one bad experience can lose a customer.