We saw Elton John here on Saturday. The venu is beautiful and, even though we had total nose bleeder seats, the sight lines and acoustics were great. The drink lines seemed short, but I'm not sure if the prices kept kept people away or the service was super fast. Either way, we we smashed before we got here. I don't go to too many concerts any more but when did it become acceptable to get up and leave multiple times during a show? Geez, we were disturbed two or three times during every song so someone could get a drink or use the bathroom. It's only 90 minutes, people. Sit down and leave your phone off. Learn how to use your smart phone if you must text or brag to your friends on social media. Turn the brightness down to the level of "I'm an annoying asshole that finds joy in bragging to other people I'm at a concert in a dark arena".