I bought a voucher for this place from one of the deal sites. They accidentally crossed of my name on their list showing that my voucher was already used when it hadn't been. They then proceed to tell me that their verification method was fool proof (how can it be when nothing is scanned and everything is manually checked off by hand?) Then they tried to prove that the voucher I brought in was a photocopy reproduction (it wasn't, it was printer from a printer). All in all, a terrible experience, tried to make me out to be a thief. Why would I even go through all that trouble and reproduce a very "real looking" fake voucher to save $10?!? At the end they realized their mistake. By then I had already 25 mins of my time and my order had already gotten cold. There were no apologies from the restaurant. The food was also very salty and the bubble tea was very chalky. They use powered coffeemate to cream their teas which has a huge taste difference from actual condensed or fresh milk. With all the Chinese food options in that area, I know I will never go back to this place.