I lived at the Moderne for nearly two years. The apartments and grounds themselves are absolutely beautiful but the management below average. I addressed my loud neighbor who plays blaring music from 3-5am on weeknights, on multiple occasions, only to have the problem go unresolved for months. I was told by the General Manager at the time that I was to call the after-hours maintenance number to report excess noise during "quiet hours". He stated they have staff that live on site that will address noise complaints. That is 100% not true. The emergency maintenance people said they do not address resident issues and are there for maintenance emergencies only. I've reported the noise to multiple of office staff including managers and assistant managers unfortunately no resolution. One staff member suggested I just start calling the police. I'm all about having a good time and realize this apartment is in Old Town and noise somewhat comes with the location but at this price point management should be addressing excessive noise that is repeatedly happening during the week in the middle of the night. Next issue, their inability to process rent electronically, accurately. I enrolled in their online system as instructed and went to pay my rent for the month of November 2016 and all seemed to work fine yet I kept noticing the amount had never cleared my account. I called the office on the 10th of the month to inquire why they hadn't taken the money and they stated "you are all paid in full" I said I can assure you I am not and told them the amount has not be taken from my account. They kept blaming it on my bank and telling me to wait a few more days. I called 3 more times and kept receiving the same response. Finally on the 21st of the month someone from the office contacted me and stated "my bank had done a reversal for the rent amount" and I needed to bring them a cashier's check for the amount of rent. First off I've never once in 12 years of having Wells Fargo had them do a reversal for any transactions. Second, are you kidding me with a cashier's check? At this point I had been trying to pay them for 3 weeks and had been an on time paying resident for more than a year and a half. I ended up bringing them a check and decided moving forward I would just pay with checks like its 1984. Following that I went down to the office and each month to retrieve my balance from a staff member and pay them with a check. When I went to pay my rent for the following month after the whole "reversal" debacle guess what they said.... I was a month ahead on rent! I explained for the 5th time what had happened and told them I was not a month ahead and that they do not have my rent payments recorded accurately. Finally, after a lot of talking they got my account "straightened out" and told me my balance which I paid. Go figure 5 days later I have a note on my door that I owe them $4.32! Funny how I specifically go out of my way to go down to get the exact amount and they tell me the incorrect balance and then put notes on my door that I owe them 4 dollars. Another issue that is just annoying is the fact that the office can't manage the logistics of simple package delivery system. When a package is delivered to the office you will continue to receive texts, calls, and emails that you have a package to be picked up when it's already been retrieved. Not a huge deal but again just an annoyance that shouldn't exist. I would use caution before renting here. You can find better for the money.