This banfield is the worst. We just took our dogs for their check ups to get all their vaccines on Friday, 4/27 and we then had all their updated paperwork faxed to where we board the dogs since we are going on vacation this weekend. The boarding place called today to say that one of our dogs still has an expired vaccine. Thinking that's impossible we called banfield only to have them say that his rabies vaccine was due but was overlooked and we will have to come back to have it done. They then tried to say that his rabies vaccine wasn't due until today and that they try to hold the shot until the day it's due. THAT MAKES NO SENSE!!! We were there on Friday and you're saying it was officially due on Monday (today) only a few days later and you didn't think to give it to him so we wouldn't have to come back 2 days later?? This has never been an issue before. Now we have to take off work one day this week to have this done when it could have already been completed last Friday. Super inconvenient and time consuming. Will be switching after this.