I only write same day reviews when I'm just astounded at the service or skill that was provided by a business and this is one of those days!
Dr Gibson might be the most patient man alive! I was referred by my equally excellent dentist (Dr Wilson at Anthem Hills Dental) and I had a few decisions to make. He explained every option multiple times, gave his personal and professional opinions and probably would have drawn diagrams in crayons if I needed him to. 12 hours later after having 3 wisdom teeth removed (I decided I should keep some wisdom for as long as possible) I could most likely could go to work even though I took a few days off to heal. He even personally called me to make sure I was doing okay and to see if I have any questions!
It's rare to say I couldn't be happier after having teeth removed but at this moment my pain in minimal (I'm a wuss btw) and I feel comfortable with the recommendations that were given. From the minute I walked in the door I felt welcomed by the receptionist then I had a few laughs with the dental assistants and they even called my dentist (twice) to make sure both doctors were on the same page! So far, no regrets and if anything else comes up I'll be sure that Dr. Gibson is my first phone call! Ohhhhh and it cost me LESS money than they initially estimated! #winning
I couldn't have asked for anything more.