Horrible service from the Dr. You will wait hrs even when you have an actual appointment. She has total lack of respect of her time & patients time. The staff takes the abuse from all the guest complaints. 1st appt she was over 1 hr late, 2nd appt over 1 hr late, 3rd appt she was late then had to reschedule us to next day, 4th day wife shows up 9am for 9:15am appt, i show up 9:45am due to previous experiences, 10am rolls around & they tell me dr on her way in but has 3 patients before us. I got very upset. As were up at reception trying to figure what to do i decide to leave as all this was a joke but wife stayed to figure it out. 20 minutes later dr tells my wife she doesnt want to treat us anymore! So the dr who is so unprofessional doesnt want to see us? We show up to all 3 appts on time, pay cash for each visit as were cash patients, get upset not angry, then deny us service. Horrible practice!