I hate this store. Firstly it is set up like a mini-golf so you have to zig-zag your way through the entire store like a rat in a maze. Parents are encouraged to let their children run wild, and with no hand signals - It is worse than rush hour on the Deerfoot with one lane down and zombies everywhere. I'm not sure why but everyone is always sauntering. Today I bought a table top and some stools. They were out of the legs for the table. The clerk made me wait 10 minutes to print out a "Shopping List". "Take it to the cashier at the front and pay for it", he says, then instructs me to pick it up on the right after I pay. I waited 15 minutes at the woefully understaffed check-out. The cashiers there seem to have a flair for anything but ringing up sales. Need a friend? They are always glad to oblige. Never mind the 2 dozen very annoyed paying customers behind you seeing red - just chat up a storm with the cashiers any time you want! You did earn at least that privilege after all, for your troubles.
Anyway I finally get to the cashier and after ringing in my stuff I hand her the paper. She says "Oh, I can't take this you need a pick slip or something". Go to customer service in the warehouse and they will put a bar code on it, and then come back to the back of the line. Stewed, I reassemble all my stuff and maneuver backwards with my cart through double line-up I find myself entwined in.
The lone attendant in the warehouse service desk has a long line up which of course is not moving. He was on the phone and computer and ignoring everyone else. This being the case I didn't want to waste another half hour waiting. I decided not to buy the table after all. (They only had one piece of the two anyway and I'll need to come back next Tuesday when the frames come in. This is getting no-where. F-it. Back at the cashier. A full 20 minutes or more longer I finally get through to a self serve where the bouncer tells me I can't have the bag. It's for in-store.
If I had waited and got the requisite the bar-code I'd have to stand in another line to pick-up the paid-for item from another clerk probably though some pick-a-ticket system. (If you are counting that is 4 check-points) All-in-all it took me a little over an hour to get out of the store with several hundreds of dollars worth of other furniture I bought. This is nothing new at IKEA - It is actually quite normal and this store has always been understaffed.
I think I will return the chairs. I don't have a good feeling about them and don't feel good about my purchase.