| - I have loved Trader Joe's, but this summer the produce is not good. I'm not sure it's just TJ's, however. Whole Foods is not up to standards, either. I was so looking forward to seeing those nice ripe nectarines and peaches piled up, and the season started with promise, but now it's down to a few measly pieces of fruit that are not even ripe, or when you bite into them they are mushy. Trader Joe's did have cases of peaches up front that were rock hard. I was told to put them in a brown paper bag and wait a few days. But what about wanting to eat a nice, juicy peach NOW? They tried to imply there was something wrong with me because I was impatient, and also that they didn't want "rotting" that's what they call ripe fruit: rotting? Things have changed. Maybe it's climate control, I don't know. The corn is rough and has no flavor, the so-called "beefsteak" tomatoes are white inside, also no flavor. Also: do not get the frozen salmon there. It's funky tasting...not up to par. I had to throw some away tonight because I couldn't stand the overly-fishy, stale flavor. I kept giving it a chance, hoping it would improve. No such luck. Again - TJ's has always been my store of choice, but I lately
I'm finding that Fresh & Easy has much better produce, in any case.