Years ago, I was very satisfied with the service of this doctor's office. Dr. Dawn Cohen seemed sincere, caring and interested in me as a person and patient. She personally left the messages regarding my blood tests, cholesterol numbers, and things to watch. Since then, they have moved to a better facility, and Dr. Cohen has been rated a "Top Doc." Ever since the move, service has been unsatisfactory.
A visit doesn't even warrant a listen to your heartbeat. Blood work results in a nurse or assistant leaving you a message to retrieve with information that is useless. Example: "Tests came in fine. Cholesterol is high. Dr. Cohen would like to see you in 6 months." Um? How high? What should I do? How do I lower it?
On a follow up visit to check the cholesterol, I was asked what I'd done differently to bring it down. Well, I wasn't told what to do. I guess they expect the patient to google for answers. That test came back with a message, " Your bad cholesterol numbers are higher. Dr. Cohen would like you to take Red Yeast Rice." End of message. What is bad cholesterol? What are the numbers? What is this rice? Guess I will google again.... and look for a new doctor.