| - So I set up an estimate appt with Rick, they seemed like a great company based on the reviews. He said that someone would be by on Monday Oct 30th "around 12 pm" . I was surprised he didn't give a wider window as these companies usually do, but I planned on making myself available from 11:30 am - 1 pm since he said "around" 12. I stayed home all day waiting, no one ever came, no one ever called. No voicemails either. Very strange and needless to say, unprofessional.
A week and a half later, Rick calls me and leaves me a voicemail "just calling to set up your appt for measure and install. Please give me a call." I called him back right away and explained to him, that we already HAD an appt for the previous Monday and that no one came, so I was very confused why this wasn't addressed and he's calling to set up another appt as if nothing happened. His response was "well, things happen, something came up. And it says in my notes they called you around 2 pm and no one answered." Seriously?! You call 2 hours AFTER our appt, and when you call you don't even leave a voicemail saying who you are or what happened?? I'm sure I'm not the only person who doesn't answer calls from numbers they don't know, that's what voicemails are for. No apology, no explanation. Just "things happen."
I hung up with Rick and called back and spoke with receptionist, asked to speak with a manager ( so they could be made aware of what was going on ), and I was transferred to James who introduced himself as the President. He was very nice and apologetic, and asked if there was anything he could do to make it up to me. I explained that as a business owner myself, I understand the importance of customer service and communication, which had not been apparent so far. So I really wasn't interested in setting up another appt. If something happened and the employee couldn't make it, a simple phone call around the time of our appt would have been appropriate and I would have been very understanding.
He asked if they could have another chance, and set me up with another appt with a difference division of their company / team, for TODAY from 12-2 pm. He assured me someone would be there, and call an hour ahead to confirm arrival. To my surprise actually, again no one showed up, and no one called. So this seems to be a pattern with them.
I called them today at 2 o'clock to let them know. Receptionist answered, and even she seemed confused. She had no explanation as to why they no showed on me again, asked if I wanted to speak with James again but I declined. As they say, fool me once shame on you / fool me twice shame on me..
I've wasted the last 2 weeks dealing with Kelly's Glass when I should have been calling other companies apparently. I set up apps with 3 other companies next week, this way if one no-shows I know I can at least get the ball rolling with another! Tired of waiting. And I absolutely would never recommend Kelly's Glass to anyone. They can't seem to get it together.