I had big hopes for Pomo. It is certified to be authentic Napolitano style pizza. The location is cramped and it was rather loud. The mural on the wall of Naples Italy was quite authentic - even down to trash in the street.
We ordered our pizzas. A very basic margarita pizza for one (2 if you eat like a bird) is $12.95. We got 2 pizzas and one glass of iced tea (I had water) and the tab was $31.15 + tip.
Now for the pizza review. Meh. It tasted good. There was hardly any cheese on it. Little sauce (although it had good flavor).
In all honesty - go to Trader Joe's. In their freezer section, they have organic pizza imported from Italy. The flavor is very comparable, the crust is slightly thicker, there's more cheese. They cost about 5 bucks each. Grab 2, and a bottle of 2 buck Chuck wine (which will be the same price as one pizza at Pomo), add a salad, invite over a couple of friends and have a great time.
Oh - FYI - I feel the same about Pizza Bianco in Phoenix. Overrated, very, very, very similar taste to the imported Trader Joe's pizza.
I won't be going back to either place.