This place dragged me along for over two years. I went to Dr. Ughwannagho who said that I had a collapsed disk and the pain would go away. Sat there and argued with me that I always had scoliosis. I have prooff. Come to find out it is a cyst that has now broken a bone, I have a frature and the nerve pain extends down to my buttucks in the sacral canal region. They write stuff to cover their own butt and dr. Daftari is the worse. He refused to help me with pain. My BP was extreme at times I was so sick at one point that he said he couldnt help with that, he refurerred to dr ughwanngho who is a waanabe doctor. To young and then he sat there and told me I should start dating again. Unbelievable. I cannot walk or stand with out pain still to this day. I cannot sit because of my tailbone pain. I cannot look down because something is wrong with my neck.
I DO NOT RECOMMEND GOING TO THEM. I DO NOT TRUST THEM. I finally have pain doctor that is helping with pain. ALthough wven this guy judges, when I tell him ist hurts to sit down like the bone feels broken (started may 2015) he wrote that it doesnt appear that it hurts me WHAT why would anyone document that?? I am sick of these doctors they dont write things down correctly and the core institute was always doing that. NOT RIGHT! I just want to get better or get the right documention the right diagnoses so I can get on disability. That is somehting you cannot tell them or they will treat you like crap. DUMB JERKS I tell them that because I am home bound and hurt. I cannot work and just cause you say i can it doesnt make it true.