I adore The Light Cellar.
This little nook situated on Bowness Road is equipped with all kinds of lovely raw food necessities (sans produce of course). It is the first and last place you will ever have to look for raw unpasteurized honeys, coconut sugars, raw nuts, tough to find ingredients in raw cooking such as irish moss, etc.
They also teach some really rad classes, making such a lifestyle accessible and providing a sense of community. The raw chocolate is incredible.
I have also dealt with these guys on a wholesale level and have received nothing but fairly priced ingredients for my vegan baking, and warmness. The owners and staff of The Light Cellar are incredibly friendly, and extremely knowledgeable.
If you can catch these guys during their slightly unusual hours (which are still convenient for most as they fall on weekends anyways), do so. I could say more, but I do not feel it necessary to ramble on. Visit this gem, it may be life altering. ;)