Finally... Pittsburgh is evolving and may have the opportunity to take part in the ever changing music industry. For so long I have had to travel to Columbus, Philadelphia or DC to see innovative young bands that formerly did not stop in Pittsburgh.
I am not down playing the fantastic music venues that our great city does have one bit. It is just that we were missing a crucial mid sized venue that can support the eclectic mix of musical performers that want the audience to have a more intimate experience. In the summer it will transform into an indoor/outdoor music extravaganza right on the river.
I went last Saturday for the Snoop Dogg concert and have my eye on many shows to come. The venue truly is state of the art and the acoustics did not disappoint. The seating is a bit confusing. There are tables on the top tier situated against a railing and auditorium seating against the wall that is zoned general admission. So if you want to sit be there early. There were other seats close to the edge divided by a railing zoned VIP. I don't remember if that option was offered when I purchased the tickets? Now I know to look for them depending on the show.
I had a perfect view of the stage from behind the railing but when fellow patrons stood on the aisles of the VIP section they blocked my view. They did not have VIP Seating and jumped the divider. My recommendation would be that the bouncers keep the aisles clear for a better viewing experience. Another complaint was expensive, weak drinks. I know to expect it but just sayin'
None of these things would dissuade me from going again. I had a blast and am looking forward to future shows. As for Snoop he went on stage pretty late, 4 hours after the doors opened. What a primadonna! Haha... no harm no foul he was ON! Playing all my favorites from the late 90's and even throwing down some Biggie and Tupac. For $45 another thrilling evening in the burgh!