Their website is gorgeous and the fact that it is both in French and English was a real treat for someone placing an order from California. Service over the phone was great: the lady was super friendly and highly knowledgable. She took the order, helped me pick out a card and wrote the text i dictated. I asked to deliver cupcakes to a friend at the Jewish hospital and paid everything incl delivery with my AMEX. When i called the next day, i found out the delivery could not be made. Apparently the delivery guy could not find the room and returned the cupcakes to the store. He did not think about asking at the reception/front desk where my friend was staying (i provided the full name). I was very upset! I didn't it was thinking out of the box! And he made it to the right floor, but turned the other way and got to a different unit. I was bummed. I paid for delivery again and the cupcakes were delivered that afternoon. My friend said the cupcakes were yummy, but the whole experience left a bitter taste in my mouth...