Went to Pet-A-Palooza this last weekend and it was a nice day out. I brought my cat down and had her set up on a blanket out near the Mix 94.1 stage. Figured easier to have her there then walking around with her. Although she did great just sitting and watching all the dogs walking by.
This was my first time out at this event and from what I saw pretty good setup with trash and poop people walking around assuring you were not stepping in some awesome stuff. I saw dogs, cats, snakes and rabbits. I wish more people would feel comfortable bringing other animals other than dogs. Its called PET not dog. I also wish they would have had competitions for the other animals there. They only had ones for the dogs (i.e. furriest dog, chubbiest dog) but what about the other people that spend the time bringing out different animals?
I didn't see a lot of stuff for other animals but dogs and again its call PET not dog. It was a good day out listening to good music but we didn't go around buying anything for the pets or really do anything but chill. I would probably go again but maybe they should really get more stuff out there for different types of animals and help bring a variety of animals in.