| - 90% of the time, I have no issues at this store.
10% of the time... well... I just can't wrap my head around the lack of common sense that goes into bagging groceries.
Pro-tip, Fry's: Bananas, 6oz containers of yogurt, bread, and anything else that's crush-able go ON TOP OF things like cans, boxes, and things with hard edges... NOT the other way around.
If I had a dollar for every time I have to say this, I'd have hundreds of dollars.
Get your mess together.
(and also, staff your pharmacy correctly and with competent people (andrew is really nice, he can stay) - the last 4 times I've been, there has been some sort of mistake (for example, a scrip that's faxed in on 3/31 should be ready for pick up by 4/8, don't you agree? It wasn't, and that's just ridiculous. Fix it.)