This place was fantastic, I have been dedicating the last few months on Saturday attempting to find the best Indian cuisine in the Northeast Ohio region. Crown of India is definitely in the running for the title. I was very pleased with the staff and selections. They had a wide variety of foods and only one of the buffet items contained nuts and the spice level was low but still if you are sensitive to spicy food, you may need another Kleenex. They had a Briyani (veg), Lamb & Mushroom curry, Chicken Tikka Marsala, Chicken Tandoori, Gulab jamun, rice pudding, and more. I was certainly very pleased. The price I think is 10.75 for the lunch buffet and if you are meeting other people, mind you there is a lot of construction going on around Royalton and Pearl so spare some time. The other guests around us seemed to be very pleased. Overall you must try, I was there two days ago and now as I sit at work I am thinking about just getting up and going on shoving work.