| - I am in utter disbelief of how IMPOSSIBLE it is to find a store in or near Phoenix with a wide variety of high quality, high end, quilters cotton that is NOT intermingled with tacky 80-90's style theme fabric. While I do give this place kudos for carrying some nice names, Windham, Free Spirit, Michael Miller, Alexander Henry, Amy Butler, they seem to carry just enough of those manufacturers/designers to say that they have them, kwim? I have yet to find a great place that doesn't overdo it in the chintzy 80's style gaudy patterns, and carries a great array of new, modern, and classic designers like Heather Ross, Tanya Whelan, Amy Butler, Denise Schmidt, and maybe some fun Japanese manufacturer's/designers like Nani Iro, or Lecien. Will someone please open a shop like this?? Not all people who sew/quilt/craft are 70 years old and love Mary Englebright!!