Horrible management.
Ashley the Assistant Manager and Ken the Store Manager seem to not value customers and don't have a clue about customer satisfaction.
She seems to get her ways in talking down to people in this store from him.
Both seem to be way too set in their ways and cannot think outside the box for customer input or satisfaction....they are like stale robots and may be in the business too long making them calis to the way retail operations work these days and the competitiveness of getting customers in the door.
We had an issue with Ashley not price matching a very questionable item for a measly $39 difference on an advertised Kindle HD in the Best Buy Ad. Sorry, we are not that tech savy as you proclaimed to be and don't recognize their is a previous generation Kindle HD and current generation Kindle HD. Common customers looking for presents for others don't...... they look the same and are of equal retail pricing. None were the new HDX model so why would we know the difference? We were even going to buy their insurance policy on the product which they make big money on. Bottom line, we felt like we got taken like a fool since we called first to make sure they had the product in stock, then drove over 10 miles to get there since all the local Staples were out of stock on the product. We were so dissappointed with this Staples store that we took time to call Ken the Store Manager the next day.
He said "she did her job", said he had another customer, and then hung up on us!! Wow.... what an idiot.
I can't believe that Corporate Staples would approve of this situation.
These select employees and how they treated us, really got us feeling a certain bad way about Staples now.
They both obviously need retrained.
Do yourself a favor, go to Best Buy, Office Max or another Staples