I have been in Colony American (Waypoint Previously) homes for 3 years going on 4year. (Dallas GA )
I love my house and it is really nice . My only draw back about them is i think they really dont care about their tenant.
I had problem with them wanting me to pressure wash my house and the HOA sent me several warning and then they fined me ,
BUt the issue dated back to before I was renting the house and when it was WAYPOINT HOME.
when i spoke with Waypoint home maintence dept about it they were going to fix it ,but after colony homes took over and all the Waypoint people left they act like they didnt remember.
And it look like they didnt care and as soon as i was going to seek leagal advise they pressure washed the house and removed the fine.
Things like that put a bad taste in my mouth . I renewed my lease because i LOVE the house but my daughter graduate in 2 years , and when she done with school im leaving .
i think they need to work on their loayalty to there long term cusotmers.
I pay my rent on time and most of the time I fix anything wrong without calling maintence . They seem to be VERY different then Waypoint Homes and more about money then quality customer service .