I'm sad to say I'll never be back.
sad, because i saw a bunch of awards were given to this place by the city of Toronto for a "wonderful dining experience and exceptional food" and i was anticipating a great meal.
the only good thing about this place is prices.
service needs a lot of improvement. (took the waitress 20 mins to come up to us after we were seated and it wasn't even busy)
food is very bland.
we ordered the appetizer platter and were told that due to the fryer being broken we wont get calamari but we will get an additional spring roll (which didn't happen). the tastiest thing on the appetizer plate was the peanut sauce, which we had to drench everything in since everything else was very blah.
i ordered pad Thai and it was a mass of semi translucent noodles with very tasteless chicken and shrimp. (Great Pad Thai's can be found at Pi Toms at Yonge and Alexander - truly an amazing experience)
my companion ordered Thai fried rice and he said the dish had no flavour.
i love a good Thai restaurant (there are so many in Toronto!) but sadly this wasn't one of them.
its a shame this place sucks. i just bought a bunch of "groupons" to this place... will have to find someone who enjoys this place at least somewhat or lives near by so i can pass those on to them.
i also wonder how did they get all those awards.