Well, I tried to really like this place, especially because they aren't a big chain coffee house. Your drive thru system is the absolute worst. Seriously, today, I not only waited about 8 minutes to get to the window but another 15 on top of that to even get my coffee. BLACK COFFEE. I would really like to keep coming here but every day is the same thing, I spend 30 minutes getting coffee. There's no reason cars should be piled up after paying waiting for coffee. It's faster for me to go into Albertsons and get Starbucks, I am after all only ordering black coffee, the wait isn't appealing or worth it. I'm giving two stars for the simple reason that staff is nice and I tried your rice crispy treat and was very happy, unfortunately waiting 30 minutes for coffee and watching one employee struggle to keep up isn't going to keep me coming back, hopefully you guys can hire an additional body to make just drive through orders even if just for early morning hours so this can be resolved and I can return and you guys would gain back others who got tired of waiting as well.