My parents own a part of this timeshare program. This place used to be totally ghetto when we used to go 5-10 years ago. I just stayed here this past weekend and they've really cleaned things up a bit. This place IS a timeshare, so you can't expect the same fast service and ammentities as the other gaming hotel & casinoes. There is a parking problem (I've had this problem in the past and it IS a pain) and there is a staffing problem (always a bit understaffed). But along with that comes the value of staying in a larger unit, older appliances and furniture, but plenty good for your average traveler.
It's true that the layout is a bit weird. You have to take two elevators and hike up a flight of stairs to get to your room. But this ain't the Ritz Carlton. Bellagio is right next door and you can take the monorail to any of the other casinoes from there. If you know how to get around some of these obtacles, it's a great little place.