Went in for my 6 month cleaning as I have for years. Changed insurance plans 1st of year and there were problems with the switch @ their office. Eventually someone explained my $50 deductible. I paid $48 for the cleaning in March & was told I would only pay $2 for my September cleaning. September 19th I arrived early but didn't get taken back until 20 minutes after my appointment time. Was told it was because they were verifying my insurance. After cleaning, was scheduling next cleaning when they informed me that I was "out of network" and owed about $130 instead of $2!!!
After getting home I called my dental insurance and they were shocked that I was not told that before they performed the services. Called the dentist office next day & they said it was my responsibility to know how much it would cost!? I can't believe they can perform services on a patient without an estimated cost! They do whatever they want and then charge you what they want. If vehicle repair shop operated like this, they would soon be out of business, as that practice is illegal.
After talking to a representative of the Nevada State Board of Dental Examiners, the "sleight of hand" Pointe North Dental pulled on me is legal. It is a pretty common practice among your less scrupulous dentists. After also expressing my concerns about the amount of X-rays being done to me, he agreed that I definitely don't need that many X-rays given my situation. He said I might want to look into getting a new dentist.
Done. Already made the change.