| - In my most recent eat here, I was left battered, scarred, and completely upset. Why? I do not know exactly. But I was seriously destroyed here (and it is not in a good way my brethrens and sistrens of Yelp.)
Do not get me wrong, I still think this place is relatively good. The soup base is really nice. It isn't too salty and it isn't too bland. Perhaps the ingredients? Perhaps it is the cleanliness of them, the quality that has left me wounded (and by wounded I mean getting completely destroyed in the stomach and other regions *ahem*). But yes. After eating here, I did not feel good immediately. It was like a battle zone in my stomach and it still is (it has subsided a little but I still feel really uneasy and note this is the day after I ate here HELP ME SERIOUSLY my stomach is dead). Also, this has nothing to do with the cleanliness of their stuff, but their god damn portions man. I usually get the "Combo of Lamb" or the "Combo of Delicious" and their shit just keeps getting smaller with every visit. Like no's probably because their business isn't going too well, but wow. Sooner or later, I feel like the portions will be non-existent and if that seriously happens then the pricing for these combos are definitely NOT WORTH IT AND IT WOULD JUST BE GOOD TO TAKE YOUR BUSINESS ELSEWHERE.
I want to come again just to check if their portions DO get any smaller (and I really do love their soup base), but at the same time I'm wondering if I want to put myself in such pain again LOOOL BECAUSE LEMME TELL YALL MY STOMACH WAS BUBBLING LIKE CRAZY FOR A REAL LONG TIME AND I WENT TO THE BATHROOM LIKE A TRILLION TIMES THAT DAY OKAY ITS NOT FUN.