| - This place is very racist towards minorities or people who look like minorities. Mr and my dad were shopping for clothing this evening when suddenly a very tall Caucasian man, came over towards were we were and FALSELY ACCUSED US OF SAYING THINGS THAT WERE SIMPLY NOT TRUE TOWARDS A EMPLOYEE OR SPMEONE THAT WE HAVE NEVER SEEN OR CAME IN CONTACT WITH! THIS ANGERED US, AS WE ARE REPUTABLE, CAREET ORIENTED INDIVIDUALS, that wanted a quiet night to shop. WE were attacked verbally by a tall, male associate, that made us feel like criminals. I was so offended and appalled by how racist I feel this organization is towards me, and my bi-racial family. This man basically verbally assaulted us and got on his radio and phoned in on someone and falsely accused us. If this is true, it's completely uncalled for, extremely racist! And if your a person of faith, it certainly against the things that you were taught! Me and my family have been going here for years! And this type of prejudice and racism and lies will NOT be tolerated, especially when there are many businesses that treat us so much better than at JC Penny's! I will go to the Goodwill any day and be treated like a human being should, shame on JC PENNY'S CHRISTOWN locations! God Bless