| - Terrible. I don't even live in Vegas but for damn sure I won't visit this place again. I go to Vegas to see family. Have been curious to try vaping but had NO CLUE where to start. Thought this place would be helpful in getting me started. I guess not.
We walked in and the place was busy. People standing by the door but no one was sure where the line was. We walked right in and were looking at the merchandise in the cases only to realize it was assumed we were cutting in line. Didn't even KNOW there was a line. Strike one.
Strike two. We finally chat with other folks in this "line" and determine we need to get IN the line. So we do but were really curious about the merchandise and had questions. If you're going to anticipate a lot of traffic, maybe some guidelines or a number system so your customers know wth is going on. It would be helpful if you can grab a number, put your name on a list, SOMETHING to hold your place but still be able to browse. As it was you couldn't really browse because the customers were all blocking the cases. Anyway....
Strike three. Each cashier after helping a customer would shout out "NEXT!" which was kind of rude. At least TRY to have some customer service skills. We're people, not cattle. Geez.
Strike four (and yes, usually three and you're out but this place exceeded in being a waste of my time). Once we were "up" to be helped the girl was very short with me. I told her I had no idea about vaping and came in for some education. She promptly spouted off the price of the starter kits in the case in front of her and then directed me to follow her to a second and again, spouted off the prices there. I asked a few questions which she answered in an irritated tone. I don't want to know prices, I want to know how it works, how long the battery lasts for, etc. etc. etc. Like I said, I announced to her from the beginning I was needing information.
After my 5 min interaction with her, I thanked her and walked out the door. Not only were they overpriced, they were rude, unhelpful and irritating. Me and my $200 I had allotted myself to spend as had my friend went to another shop where we gladly spent our money.
This place stinks and I have no idea why it was so busy unless it was just folks coming in to by the e-juice or if it's the only one in this area. It's very boutique-y and nicely decorated which is the ONLY thing I liked about my experience. The rest is just plain bad. Don't waste your time.