Ever since this was built a number of years ago, I've been wanting to check it out but whenever I'm in Vegas, I usually hang along the strip most of the time and never made it out here. My last trip I finally did.
The things I do like about the "experience" is that it's an outdoor party and I have to say the screens are pretty impressive.
This is "Old" Las Vegas where everything is dirt cheap. All the drinks and food are inline with the prices I want to pay when I come to Vegas.
It's pretty damn ghetto here. At least the night I came. There were a lot of street people. You could see some paperbags with some "8 Ball" protruding from them. But I guess that's part of the charm here cause you can just have an open container here with no damn worries....
It's all good I guess but whenever I looked up at the screen, I had to make sure I looked back to street level here and there just to make sure my wallet was not leaving me. haha..
Maybe the earlier shows are not so seedy. I did come for the very last show of the evening so maybe I was asking for it....