| - Well, it seems like everyone from the mid-west is making their way out to Tempe these days. I wonder, did Jimmy just come out for my wedding, or does he plan to stay? No matter, each bite of Bootlegger with hot peppers today was a breath of wonderful, stinky Lake Michigan air.
Arizona needed a good kick in the sub pants by Jimmy Johns. Most of our sub places here just don't match the quality, speed or service of JJ. The ham is one thing which stands apart, really, it redefines sub shop ham, as it has more flavor and less gross flimsy questionable content of the usual sub shop ham. Also, for some reason they have the best Coca-cola here. No idea how they do it, maybe more syrup or something, but theirs is hands down the best for a chain place. Writing that kind of grosses me out, but it is true.
The one thing about Jimmy Johns that never totally satisfies me is that they are not the perfect late-night snack but remain open late none-the-less, drawing my more inebriated self in repeatedly just to never fulfill my cravings. Late night snacks sing to me of hot mashes of cheese, meet and starch (see: burrito, pizza, shwarma) and Jimmy John's cold quality, which is so great and easy for lunch, just doesn't cut the mustard on the chili-cheese fries.