Today was the second time I ventured into the Yorkdale branch of Holt Renfrew. It took a while because the first time, my mother and I visited and a security guard literally followed us around the floor. We tried on sunglasses and walked around and he very obviously and not at all subtly stared at us and followed. I don't think we looked at all suspicious and the experience really upset and disgusted me. I understand you have to be aware of shoplifters but at least be discreet so that normal customers can feel comfortable! So today I walked in because I urgently wanted to buy a beauty product and everything went okay. A customer rep helped me to find the product but then stood very close beside me until I made my decision, making me feel really pressured to decide then and there. I also went to the shoe section where reps were trying on shoes and wouldn't budge in the aisles, trying on shoes for themselves and not asking me if I needed help! Very snooty and unnecessarily pretentious. For good customer service and less pretentious attitude, I like the Yonge/Bloor location. I've had good experiences there.