Being a dog trainer, I have gone to many dog parks in Las Vegas an Henderson. Although there are many parks that are cleaner, nicer, larger and more accommodating to families and definitely more accommodating for parking, this park isn't the worst on the list.
Parking as I mentioned above is scarce. A parking "lot" is not existent. This park is smack dab in the middle of a neighborhood which is great for saftey, however disgruntled homeowners are prevalent. A tip for you is "don't park near someone's home!"
I definitely know I'll return to this park, frankly because it's close. But my suggestion to Las Vegas and Henderson is this..... Other states like Oregon have a card system in order to get into their top dog parks. The card is connected to the city which has vaccine records on it. Pet owners have to pay at the city a fee to get the records for vaccines put on the card. If the vaccines expire the card gets turned off. Obviously there's a card swipe system in order to get into the gate of the park. No current vaccines on the card then you don't get entry to the park. Highly suggest this so that Las Vegas and Henderson do not have outbreaks of disease or parasites! Also the information of the pet is on the card as well.The pet has to be spayed or neutered to get a card and must be licensed with the city! To me it's a no brainer! But again it is Just a suggestion!