| - I have attended colleges in KS, TX, and since relocating to NV, transfered again to CSN. BAD decision. They don't have enough classes for the number of students they have. Trying to get anything through admissions or financial aid is a JOKE. They tell you they need something one at a time, turn that in, and all of the sudden they need something else(JUST GIVE ME A LIST, AND YOU CAN HAVE IT ALL AT ONCE!) Semester already started and my financial aid still hasn't been reviewed. I get a different time frame from each person I talk to, 6-8 weeks, or 8-12 weeks.. well it's been 12 and I have nothing but a hold not to drop my classes. Even University of Texas with crazy amounts of students was able to get it done by the week school started.
My husband checked with the VA office to see if he needed to do anything when he changed his degree.. the guy gave him a piece of paper to sign and said "that's it" school started a week ago, and we received a letter today saying they don't have his transcripts, that we sent 3 months ago, and he called to find out that he DID need to have a sheet signed by a counselor, but the uninformed guy had told us otherwise. Thanks for screwing up our housing money buddy!! They lost my transcripts as well, which when I asked them how they traced them they said by social security number (GOOD! Cause I changed my name when I got married) They didn't.. they put them in storage and I had to call and talk to probably 10 different people and tell them BOTH names for them to all look for my current name. It's just as bad trying to figure out who does what.. I got sent all over campus and standing in lines for an hour and a half, by their employees who didn't know who I needed to show my unofficial transcripts to to open a class for me.
The bookstore has the classes listed for the wrong books, or that don't even need books, needless to say I waited an hour and a half in line to return books, and everybody else had the same problem. This school is one disorganized mess, I think after this (one and only) semester at CSN I may do distance education from a better school with more degree choices.
ALSO, one of the most frustrating things.. I have taken online classes from every school i've been to, and had no problem. There is a "lockdown" program for testing that won't even run on my 4 mo old laptop because my desktop manager has no option for closing (basically I can not have a clock, the date, updates running) I had to dig my husbands old computer out of a box just to take a test, and it froze on me 2 minutes in, yet the clock didn't stop running.
I don't know who is in charge at this school, as every person I have dealt with other than cashiers is a student, but they need to get their stuff together.