Fair selection on cars and all but had a terrible experience. I had previously called about a car I saw advertised on line on their website and Craigslist. The price, mileage and make/model of the car were all confirmed with sales man Adam twice on two different calls. The next day I came in with family to look at the car and to make a long story short, the price of the car all of a sudden was not what was advertised. As a matter of fact it was $4,000 more than advertised online. The sales man that helped us was not Adam, Adam had miraculously disappeared and we dealt with Pat. Who was nice but unknowledgeable and at times condescending. Pat kept on going back and forth from the managers office to us for information and for mediocre replies as to the discrepancy in pricing. As a first time car buyer with "fair" credit I feel I was treated like an undesirable client. Pat kept on insisting the price was a "cash" price and that taxes and fees had up'd the price. By $4000 really? I may be a first time buyer but I'm 29 and a sales person myself and I know a straight lie when I hear one. Sadly, Pat even dubbed himself a "lying salesman". They went as far as insulting me by driving up a crashed into pick up truck that when asked Pat did not even know the price to. At no time did the manager come up to address my questions, instead Pat made several runs to his office for simple answers. They had a gentleman come and stand close to the doors as if we were making a scene. We were patient but insistent on getting some clarity. When my dad got up from his chair the man opened the door as if escorting us out of the building, he was bigger and taller than all of us. Ultimately, I feel they lied online to get customers in through the doors. I don't feel this is a proper way of conducting business. This isn't a large fancy dealership so I don't see how they come off treating people like this. I had a second buyer with us who was interested in a vehicle and after witnessing our experience he decided to exit with us. My parents were also considering purchasing a vehicle for themselves so all in all Newport, you lost out in 3 customers that day.