The lines in this place are PATHETIC.....
THERE ARE NONE... I feel so bad for the kids that go to this park and think its a good place to ride.... Let alone the parents that think there is ample supervision to watch their kids when dropped off. HA.... I saw none whatsoever...
Whoever is building/designing this park does NOT know what they are doing.... just shoving a bunch of ramps inside a warehouse.... IT IS GROSS, all of them are on top of each other.... no time to get momentum.... it truly is PATHETIC HERE....
This place is under continual construction, looks like a lumber yard.......
and barely anywhere to ride.....
The first time we drove over here from San Diego the park was "okay"... and even did a private rental for use of the foam pit.... (oh and no stairs to the drop in... WHAT A JOKE)
This last time was WHACK.... WASTE OF TIME....not to mention time to travel and money....
The owner seems like he is just trying to make a buck and knows absolutely NOTHING ABOUT SKATEPARKS..... let alone a good session..."Do you even ride bro?"
Douchebaggery at it's finest...