I like it just because it's massive and every time I pass it on the QEW I'm appreciative that it's got massive posters facing the highway advertising to a mass populace that's not likely to give it patronage. I take it as them saying, "hey, here are some movies coming soon or now playing that you should check out wherever you watch movies at".
OK enough about posters, looking past it's size which is pretty hard to do in the first place when you walk towards it, you're greeted with many a theaters and concession options. But the overall movie going experience is pretty much what you would expect from an older cineplex location. The quality of the pictures are good, sound is just decent, and the crowds are more likely to be inconsiderate than at the Varsity theatre.
But it's got an Ultra AVX theatre which I'm a big fan of, but I'm surprised that such a large venue lacks IMAX, But I'd rather they not have IMAX than sport a faux IMAX theatre like some places do charging the same premium.
I'm hoping that this and some other Cineplex locations undergo major renovations because they are starting to show their age but that's not really a fault of this particular theatre.
There are food and drink options within walking distance here which should satisfy the need for a mediocre dinner before a dinner but ti's still nice to have those options, and a good places to do drinks post movie.
This isn't a location I would frequent as it isn't convenient for me to get here but if there is a film playing here and no where else in the downtown region, I would not be too disappointed on having to make the TTC ride here.