| - (2.5*)
I REALLY, REALLY wanted to like this place and perhaps one day I will, but given the mediocre meal I had, I can't say it was all that. Mind you, it was for lunch when the menu is much more limited.
I read a few reviews about EMD shortly after it opened before finally checking it out and I was pretty excited as there is not much in the way of Alsatian cuisine here. I tend not to visit restos too soon after they launch as I am not a fan of lineups (for Guu's cheese bibimbap and oysters however, I'm willing) but also, there is often the awkward transition phase that many go through early on and I prefer not to have too much fine-tuning going on by the time I get there, though in this case it seems maybe there is still some tweaking necessary.
I was dying to try their tarte flambee which had all the promise of something good, but when I saw that their sandwiches are made with Thuet bread, I could not resist. I had some kind of grilled chicken thing which was by no means Alsatian but I am such a sucker for the chicken-and-bacon combination (it was similar to a club sandwich, I guess). The contents of the sandwich were fine and the size of it was more than plenty (comes with frites or salad--I had the former which, as we all know: you can't go wrong with anything fried) but the grainy bread was so burnt that taking a bite caused it to crumble, making it very difficult to eat with all the mayo and stuff dripping from it. It also tore up my palate, which was dangling away for the rest of the meal--very unpleasant.
I was having lunch with a potential employer so I didn't really want to make a scene about it--not that I would, but even just to mention it seemed pointless as our server was kind of sullen (though I am willing to bet that she was exhausted after the lunch rush--one reason not to get too worked up about the burnt bread) but the mere fact that she even served it to me that way told me I needn't bother.
Besides bacon, I am also a lover of basil though that does not warrant ordering a cocktail based on it, but I did anyway just out of curiosity. It was nothing special, just tasted like shampoo.
My lunch partner had a pulled pork sandwich and a glass of wine, which he seemed to enjoy. It was a nice sunny day and we were seated on their patio so that made up for a lot. We ended up going for dessert elsewhere as EMD's list did not have anything too enticing.
While my selection was not the most sophisticated and speaks nothing of Alsatian cuisine, still, a club sandwich isn't the kind of thing that is easy to mess up. To EMD's credit however, lunch is not always the best measure for a resto's true talent. I have seen a few so-so reviews of EMD and some that are downright nasty, which I hope mine does not come across that way! I will give this place another go but next time for dinner, and if that doesn't do it, I'm going to be really sad.