I've been to Nikko several times for birthdays and other special occasions. It seems fun, has awesome loud music and a DJ, and the sushi is more than decent. Their downfall is the service. The restaurant starts to get a club vibe after 8 pm on a Saturday and that's all fine and good -- some restaurants are very successful with a club/restaurant scene. But Nikko simply isn't good at it. The servers are far too flustered and backed up and distracted. Three out of 17 of our guests NEVER received their food. None of it. Not even an update. Those three guests left the restaurant to eat at a fast food chain down the street, instead. And again, this was for someone's birthday! The owner should focus more on great customer service, and spend less time dancing with drunk patrons. It was a horrible experience and put a really bad taste in my mouth. I won't be back for a celebration of any sort.