I wonder if Cox woke up one morning and said to themselves "How can we suck more at life then we do already?"
They found a solution as it turns out. They all it "upgrading" but for the last three months, all I get is intermittent internet service and some of the dumbest support staff this side of Dunken Donuts.
I have had Cox internet for 8 months now. I know, I must be very "special" as I am pretty much paying for things to work 1/2 the time they are supposed to. Tomorrow I plan on fixing that by going to ANY OTHER provider. Hell, even as I try to type this is these three paragraphs have taken almost 20 minutes to load up. I could go back to dial up and have better speed than this crap.
Wait, there it goes again. Maybe Cox just doesn't want me watching videos about Sheriff Joe...
Long story short, a passenger pigeon would be a faster way to download porn at this point. Stay away from Cox, because they're living the Dewey Cox mantra of "It doesn't say Cox unless it tastes like Cox...."