| - So with all the places to eat in Vegas, how did this Yelper end up at a chain? Well, let's just say it wasn't my choice :) We also had some timing issues, as we were about to go to a show.
Busy Tuesday night, but we got right in, probably because we didn't care where we sat, which was a good thing, because we were given a table with little to no view of the "show". But that's what legs are for...standing up and moving to where you CAN see the show. (something I did, but Husband didn't, which was his loss as it was cute entertainment that involved a gal in a bikini, water, splashing and guys on stilts)
We were definitely away from the balloon hat guy also. And away from quick service and drink refills, but not too bad.
Not starving, we decided to share a Caesar Salad and the Triple Decker Club. (Husband was in need of something pretty plain). And that's what we got. Plain. The salad tasted like one of those plastic bag "kits" you can buy at the grocery store.
The sandwich was decent.